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Song Details - SUPER STAR
Artist DJ RICH Feat. Tail Bros.
BPM 128
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Lyrics Dance Dance Revolution (DDR Bass)
Dance Dance Revolution (DDR Bass)

I am here, and my name is Chaos
Rap is to me like music is to Amadeus
Wolfgang, the famous composer
When I stepped in I told him to move over

I am the new kid on the block
and the mission, to make your body rock
And to all the fools that think they're tough
You'll never beat me, cuz I'm just too buff

For my nature, my habitat, and even my environment
Don't try me now, just go into retirement
And think about what you have done
You got beat, cuz you tried to move on

You meet your fate when your lines ain't straight
They're in your lyrical debatin' when your styles ain't great
You got boogie-old rhymes to the point of no return
You switch, you discern, but when will you learn
That my rhymes burn, my brain waves melt
Who gives a damn how you fall, overturned black belts
I show you no remorse, I break off, I get divorced
Could I be the source of this regenerative force

Rejuvinated, I escalate it, you're underrated
Now you're underrated cuz your homeboys played it
Your weak appearances are only doin' me the favor
While I'm kickin' butt and flavor showin' off on your behavior

Brother be beefing like a source that's protecting all people
put your hands up in the pulpit, coz it is drippin' like water
from a leaky faucet
Hand me the mic and I would rock it
to you, sometimes you got to stop it
to make it rhyme

It will earn full work and yo the final jam
is the freakin' bad bone, man take much and stand it
And, yo, to beat us right now is the chance

So everybody, yo, get on the floor
I wanna see your dance
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